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We heartily welcome suggestions from you on different matters like:

1) Topics for new posts;

2) Modifications in existing posts;

3) Errors in existing posts and how to improve it;

4) New features in website for better navigation;

5) Features of website that is lacking user-friendliness;

6) Posts in website that you think is inappropriate and want us to remove it;

7) Problems faced by you in accessing our website;

8) If you want to partner or associate with us on any matters;

9) Broken links info - posts url that don't work but link is there in site;

10) Any other innovative ideas that you have for our website.

In case you want to post your own materials in our site, then also you can send the email with the copy of the article. We will publish the article in your name after the evaluation process.

Thanks for being a part of family! Good day to you. :)
