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Sample Letter to the RTO Office for Duplicate RC Book

When a vehicle owner wishes to apply for a duplicate RC book (registration certificate) for his vehicle because either he has lost it, or it got torn, or mutilated, or misplaced and unable to find it, then he can write an application to the concerned registering authority (RTO) in Form 26 along with all supporting documents.

Sample Letter to the RTO Office for Duplicate RC Book
Nowadays, such an application process has been completely made online by most state governments. However, if any state has not been providing this online facility, then you can submit your physical application with documents manually at the respective RTO office. A nominal fee is chargeable for this purpose.

Following is a specimen of such an application letter to the RTO for the issue of duplicate vehicle registration certificate. Please fill in all the necessary details.


The Registering Authority, (City)
(Complete Address)

Sub.: Application for the Issue of Duplicate Certificate of Registration.

Respected Madam/Sir,

The registration mark (vehicle registration number) .................. is registered under my name i.e. .....................................

Under the following circumstance, the certificate of registration of the said vehicle is lost/ soiled/ mutilated/ torn/ destroyed, and completely written:

On (Date), I have filed a complaint with the local police about the loss of Registration Certificate immediately after the loss was noticed. A copy of which is enclosed herewith.

I hereby declare and affirm that neither the said vehicle is held under any Hypothecation/ Lease or Hire-purchase agreement, nor the vehicle is under superdari. As of today, the vehicle is free from all encumbrances.

I hereby declare and affirm that to the best of my knowledge the registration of my vehicle has not been cancelled or suspended as on date, and that the information provided herein is true and correct.

I am hereby applying for the issue of a duplicate certificate of registration for my vehicle for the registration mark ................... I request you to kindly approve the same, and do the needful.

Name of the Vehicle Owner: ................................
Full address: .........................................................

Date: ..................
Place: .................


(1) Police complaint copy, (2) Insurance certificate, (3) Pollution control certificate, (4) Affidavit stating that RC is lost, not impounded, (5) Vehicle tax clearance certificate, (6) Chassis and engine numbers pencil prints, (7) Identity and address proofs (PAN & Aadhar card self-attested copies), (8) Owner's signature identification, (9) Torn/ soiled. mutilated/ written off certificate of registration.

Sample Letter to the RTO Office for Duplicate RC Book
