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Sample Letter to the Ward Councillor on Issues in Your Area

Ward councillors are assigned with duties of looking after their wards and the people in it. They are required to take action on the grievances of the local residents.

letter to the ward councillor for water problem
One of the key issues that emerge most of the time is drinking water scarcity, especially during summer season. Hence, the locals can complain about it to their political leaders and local authorities.

Following letters are examples of how to write complaints or request letters to the councillor of your ward on different issues and problems.

TEMPLATE #1 - (Scarcity of drinking water in our area)

Ms. (Name)
The Ward Councillor
Ward No. ____

Reg: Scarcity of drinking water in our area.


We, the undersigned, are the residents of the Ward No. ___ in _______ Constituency. We would like to draw your kind attention to the severe inconvenience faced by us because of the scarcity of drinking water in our ward.

There are two common tubewells in our ward, which most residents in our ward use. Some houses have their private wells. During summer, these tubewells and wells fail to provide enough drinking water for the needs of the general public. Hence, we are forced to buy water from water tank suppliers who charge high prices. Some poor people who cannot afford water tanks have to depend upon muddy water from the wells.

Therefore, considering these desperate circumstances, we appeal to your goodself to be kind enough in installing new borewells/tubewells in our ward to save us from the water scarcity. We shall be forever grateful to you for your support.

Thank you in advance for your kind action that may be taken in this regard.

Kind regards,
(Name of the Persons)
At: ____________
Mob. ________

Dated _________

TEMPLATE #2 - (Need for a new children's park)

Mr. (Name)
The Ward Councillor
Ward No. ____

Sub.: Need for a new children's park in our locality.


We, the undersigned, are the residents of the Ward No. ___ in _______ Constituency. There are around ___ hundred/thousand children in our ward. Our ward does not have any park or any proper place for our children to play around or do any recreational activities during leisure time.

The children run away to distant places or other wards to play games. Sometimes, they go to the nearby river and hills to play. We believe that it is risky for them to go to such places as nobody will be there to monitor their actions. Hence, it would be nice if a children's park is built in our area and the children be allowed to do different kinds of recreational activities there.

Therefore, your goodself is kindly requested to take appropriate action for the building of a children's park in our area. We residents shall be grateful to you.

Thanking you in advance for your prompt action that may be taken in this matter.

Kind regards,
(Name of the Persons)
At: ____________
Mob. ________

Dated _________

TEMPLATE #3 - (Improper waste disposal)

Mr. (Name)
The Ward Councillor
Ward No. ____

Sub.: Issue of improper waste and garbage disposal.


I am a resident of the Ward No. ___ in _______ Constituency. I beg to draw your kind attention to an acute problem of improper waste and garbage disposal in our ward.

The garbage collection staff members come to our area infrequently. Generally, two to three times a week. Hence, many people throw the waste items on the street and into the drainage area, which creates an unhygienic atmosphere in those areas. This is especially harmful for the children playing in those places and the senior citizens with health issues.

Hence, we request you to kindly take appropriate action to control this messy situation and to upgrade the waste collection process for the well-being of the residents. We shall be grateful.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation and support.

Kind regards,
(Name of the Person)
At: ____________
Mob. ________

Dated _________

How to Write a Letter to the Ward Councillor for Drinking Water Problem in Your Area
