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Sample Loan Confirmation Letter from a Bank (the Lender)

A loan confirmation letter from a bank or any other financial institution is obtained as a confirmation towards the existence of a loan that has been given by the bank to a customer.

Loan Confirmation Letter from the Bank
In order to get such a letter, the customer needs to make a written request to the bank asking for a confirmation or an acknowledgement letter towards the loan obtained. Please make sure to provide your existing loan account number in the letter.

Here are the examples of such confirmation letters for existing loans from the banks.

(Letter of request from a customer to the bank for getting a loan confirmation letter).

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[Phone Number]


The Branch Manager
[Bank's Name]

Sub.: Request for loan confirmation.


I am an account holder in your bank. My savings account number is [Number].

I have taken a personal/ home loan from the bank in [Month, Year]. I have been making payments towards the monthly installments on time. My loan account number is [Number].

I would like to kindly request you to provide me with a loan acknowledgement certificate or a loan confirmation letter. I need it for the purpose of [Mention purpose].

[Your Name]

(Letter of confirmation from the bank acknowledging the existence of a loan.)


This is to confirm that [Name of the Customer] has an existing loan with [Name of the Bank], [Branch Location] as per the following details.

a) Loan type: Personal/ Home/ Car loan.
b) Loan start date: [Date].
c) Outstanding amount as on [Date]: [Amount in figures] [Amount in words].

This letter has been issued upon the request of [Customer's Name] without any liability or additional responsibility on the part of [Bank's Name].

[Title of the Officer]
[Name of the Bank]
[Branch Code]
[Official Seal]

Dated [Signature Date]

Sample Loan Confirmation Letter from the Bank (Lender)
