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Letter to Municipal Commissioner about Bad Road Condition

It is the duty of the municipal corporation or the panchayat authority to address the genuine complaints received from the local residents.

write a letter to the municipal corporation complaining about the potholes on the roads
One of the major complaints that arise in most localities is bad conditions of the roads for a prolonged period, which affect the communication and transportation issues of the residents. The residents should approach the municipal authority to address the situation immediately.

Here is an example of how to write a letter to the municipal corporation complaining about the potholes on the roads.


Date: _________

The Municipal Commissioner
___________ Municipality
(Office Address)

Sub.: Complaint regarding poor condition of roads in _______ village.

Respected Madam/Sir,

We are the local residents of ________ village under ward no. ___. We beg to draw your goodself's kind attention to the bad road condition in our area.

While most of the roads are not in a good condition, a couple of them were repaired last year. More roads need to be repaired and reconstructed urgently. Due to potholes on the roads, many minor accidents are happening every now and then. Ambulance's arrival is also delayed due to poor road conditions.

It has become risky for the children to go to their schools by roads. The elderly persons are also afraid to walk on these faulty roads. Due to no proper drainage system, the water flows on the roads sometimes making it even more difficult to travel, especially in the rainy season.

Therefore, we humbly request your goodself to address the situation at the earliest so that the roads can be built or repaired and we the residents can live peacefully. We shall be grateful to you for your support.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Persons)

Enclosure: Photographs of the damaged roads.

Letter to Municipal Commissioner about Bad Road Condition


  1. Sashikant Behera18 September, 2023

    Thank you sir for the letter format. I wrote a letter to our municipality commissioner to take immediate action on the damaged roads in our locality.


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