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Application to Principal for Organising a Cricket Tournament

In order to organize a cricket tournament between schools in the playground of your school, the interested students would need to obtain permission from the principal of the school.

letter to principal for cricket tournament in school
The proposals also need to be sent to different schools for the proposed cricket tournament. The leading players need to coordinate most of the things to organize the tournament successfully.

Here is an example of an application letter to the principal seeking permission for organizing a cricket tournament in the school playground.


Date: _________

The Principal
_________ School

Sub.: Request for organizing a friendly cricket tournament.

Dear Madam/Sir,

With due respect and humble submission, on behalf of the students of class ___ and ___, we would like to request you to allow us to organize an inter-school cricket tournament.

We have been practicing for the last ___ months. We feel that we are now prepared enough to play an official cricket tournament between schools. We had sent a proposal to players of ________ School and _______ School; they have agreed to play such a competitive tournament.

Our school playground would be a good pitch for the tournament, everybody has agreed on it. We propose that during the last two weeks of next month the tournament can be conducted. The exact date and timing will be scheduled after mutual discussion.

Therefore, we kindly request you to give us permission to organize an inter-school cricket tournament in our school playground as mentioned above.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,

(Name of the Students)

Application to Principal for Organising a Cricket Tournament


  1. Thank you for the application format. I used it to write to my school principal.

  2. hi bye very nice


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