An account-holder in a post office can avail a loan on his deposits by submitting a loan application with his passbook at the concerned post office.
The postal authority mainly gives a loan up to a certain percentage of the balance credit in the account of the person. Such a loan can be repaid in one lump-sum or in periodical installments
Here is a simple example of how such an application can be written to the post office to avail the loan. Please visit the post office and enquire about the loan application procedure.
Date: __________
The Postmaster/ Manager
__________ Post Office
Sub.: Application for loan against my postal account.
Dear Madam/Sir,
I, (Full Name), am the account-holder/ guardian hereby apply for loan against my RD/ SSA/ PPF account bearing number _____________ for an amount of Rs. ________ (Rupees _______________ only).
I request you to kindly credit the aforementioned loan amount to my savings account (SB) no. __________ maintained with your branch office at __________ post office. (Alternatively, you may pay the loan amount by cash/ cheque as possible.)
I solemnly affirm and certify that I have gone through and understood all the applicable conditions for availing the loan and that all such conditions are/ will be complied with as and when required.
The following necessary supporting documents are enclosed herewith.
1. (Name of the Document), 2. (Name of the Document), 3. (Name of the Document).
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Account-holder/ Guardian)
Address: ___________________
Countersigned by the Postal Assistant
Countersigned by the Postmaster
Application format was helpful in drafting. Thank you very much.