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Authorization Letter (NOC) to Use Trademark & Sell Product

You would need a written permission to use a trademark owned by someone, who is the registered proprietor of the trademark.

trademark permission-to-use letter
If you want to get such a permission for whatever purpose you might want to use their trademark, then you should write to the proprietor of the trademark seeking a written authorization in this regard.

Here is an authorization letter to use a trademark and sell products under that trademark. Please modify it as you may deem fit.


To Whomsoever It May Concern,

We are the proprietor, registrant and applicant of the following registered trademark, a certificate of which is annexed to this letter (hereinafter referred to as "the TradeMark").

Word Mark: ___________________
Appl. No.: __________ Class: ____
Appl. Date: ___________________
Proprietor Name: ______________

Pursuant to the request letter dated _______ received from (Name of the Organization) seeking permission to use the TradeMark, we hereby certify that (Name of the Organization), a company/firm/proprietary concern, regn. no. ________, having its registered office at (Address), (hereinafter referred to as "the Permittee"), is authorized to use the TradeMark to sell, distribute, supply, promote and negotiate all the branded products and services sold under the TradeMark name and category.

The authorization is a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, royalty free, revocable license to use the TradeMark.

The TradeMark shall be used by permittee only for the purpose specified here. The use of the TradeMark by the permittee shall not in any way adversely affect the goodwill or reputation of the TradeMark proprietor.

The authorization is effective from (Date) until it is revoked in writing. We reserve the right to revoke the authorization by giving not less than thirty (30) days' written notice in advance.

I hereby represent and warrant that I have the full power and authority to grant this authorization.

For and on behalf of (Name of the Organization),

(Name of the Person)
(Name of the Organization)

Dated ________
Place _________

Annexure: A certified copy of the TradeMark certificate.

no objection letter to use trademark
