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Complaint Letter for Mobile Tower in Residential Area

When a mobile tower is installed in a place illegally, or which violates the rules prescribed under the law, then you have a right to lodge a complaint against the landowner or the telecom company.

complaint against tower installation
You can at first lodge a complaint at the nearest police station for an early resolution. Go with some local residents to present your case with serious concerns. However, if the police fail to redress your grievance, then you can write a complaint letter to the Commissioner of Police of your city and meet him to explain the issue.

Here is a sample of such a complaint letter against mobile tower installation. Please modify it as needed in your case.


Date: _______

The Superintendent of Police,
(Office Address)

Sub.: Complaint against mobile tower installation causing health hazard.

Dear Sir/Madam,

We, the undersigned, are the residents of _______ locality in Ward no. ___ of (City). We, on behalf of the residents, of our locality would hereby like to formally lodge a complaint against one Mr./Ms. ____________ son/daughter of (Name) at (Address) for installation of mobile tower on their building/premises in the midst of a residential area.

When we came to know about this matter, we went to his/her house, raised an objection on the tower installation and explained its hazardous effect due to high radiation. However, he/she refused to remove it and openly challenged us to do whatever we want in this matter.

To our understanding and knowledge, a mobile tower installation should be done 50 meters away from the residential areas as the radiation emanating has a bad effect on the human body and mind. This tower is within 50 meters of our residential houses and a nearby school. Hence, it is quite hazardous to the health of our family members.

We, therefore, request you to look into the matter urgently, and kindly take necessary action for the removal of the said tower from that place in order to prevent any further damage to the health of the people of our area.


(Name of the Persons)
(Address, Phone No.)

Complaint Letter for Mobile Tower in Residential Area
