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Grievance Letter to the Boss for Not Getting a Promotion

Every hardworking employee, who successfully completes the assignments on time, and helps the company in its growth path, deserves promotions at regular intervals as appropriate.

letter to boss for not getting promotion
However, in a corporate world, there is a lot of politics going on with regard to getting a promotion, or an appraisal, or a transfer, etc. Hence, you need to be vigilant about it. Make more efforts to get your due promotion or appraisal. Write to your boss or HR Head about your disappointment on the matter.

Here is a sample of such a grievance or complaint letter to the senior manager for not getting the promotion on time.


Date: _________

(Name of the Officer)
________ Department
(Name of the Company)

Reg.: Promotion.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have been working as a (Designation) in the _______ Department of (Name of the Company) for the last ___ months/years. I am disappointed to say that I have not been promoted yet, which was due last year.

I have always performed my duties and responsibilities diligently. I complete the tasks assigned to me on time and achieve the periodic targets. I work as a team player for the growth and benefit of the company.

In spite of my qualifications, experience and achievements, I have not been given my due promotion during the last ___ months/years. This is quite disheartening and demoralizing.

I, therefore, rightfully request you to take necessary action in this matter. A promotion will be quite encouraging at this point of time and will motivate me to work even harder. I shall be grateful to you.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)

Grievance Letter to the Boss for Not Getting a Promotion


  1. Prabhu Setty29 September, 2023

    All bosses are not equal. Some bosses really care for their subordinates. My boss was not acting up on his responsibility to give promotions on time. So I had to complain it to the higher authority. Your letter format was also helpful in this.


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