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Sample Apology Letter to the Principal for Ragging in School

Ragging cases are very serious cases. Hence, it is not to be taken lightly by the student or teachers. It may ruin the career of a student if things go to the police station and the court of law. It is better to mutually settle the matter.

letter to college principal for ragging
A student, if accused of ragging, should apologize to the aggrieved student, to his parents and also to the school/hostel authorities. If further needed, he needs to do everything financially needed to redress the grievance of the aggrieved student.

Here is an example of an apology letter from a student to the Principal for ragging.


Date: __________

The Principal
(Name of the School)
(School's Address)

Sub.: Ragging case.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am a student of Class ___, having a roll number ________. My name is ____________. I deeply apologize for the ragging case complaint lodged against me by (Name of the Aggrieved Student).

I regret my actions profoundly. My intention was not to hurt anyone; however, on the spur of the moment certain mistakes were made.

I have already apologized to (Name of the Aggrieved Student) and his parents for my actions in the most sincere way. You may enquire with them please.

I promise you that I will not repeat it ever again in the future. I would appreciate it if you do not suspend or expel me from the school. I am grateful to you for your guidance and support.

Thank you for your valuable time.

Yours obediently,

(Name of the Student)

Sample Apology Letter to the Principal for Ragging in School
