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Sample Request Letter for CCTV Footage for a Legal Case

CCTV footage is very helpful in surveillance of areas, collecting evidence, catching the thieves, keeping an eye on the employees, protecting assets, monitoring customer transactions, etc.

sample request letter for cctv footage in india
CCTV footage may come in handy in legal cases by displaying the factual situation that had happened on the scene. You can request the person who is in-charge of CCTV security camera management for providing you with the specific requested CCTV footage.

Here is a format of request letter asking for CCTV footage for a court case.


Date: __________

(Name of the Person)
(Name of the Organization)
(Home/Office Address)
(Phone Number)

Sub.: Request for CCTV footage.

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is ____________. I am currently residing at (Address). There is an ongoing legal case pending at ______ court, (Location); wherein I am a party to the said case.

In order to provide an important evidence during the course of the case proceedings, I hereby request you to retrieve from the CCTV camera(s) and provide me with a copy of the CCTV footage as per the following details: (i) Date: ________, (ii) Time: ________, (iii) Location: _________.

I would highly appreciate it if you could provide the CCTV footage in a disc as soon as possible as it has to be submitted within a time duration.

You can contact me once you have it ready; I will come and pick it up from you. I am reachable at (Mobile Number) or (Email Id).

Kindly acknowledge the receipt and oblige.

Thanking you for your cooperation.


(Name of the Person)

Sample Request Letter for CCTV Footage for a Legal Case
