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Complaint Letter to the Principal about a Teacher's Behavior

A formal letter may be written to the Principal of an educational institute regarding the unprofessional behaviour of a teacher.

complaint letter to principal about teacher behaviour
Such a complaint letter can be written by either a student or a group of students or the parents of a student or a group of parents.

Hereunder are examples of such complaint letters to the Principal. You can modify these letters suitably as per your case.

(Letter from a Student to the Principal)

Date: ________

The Principal
______________ School/College

Sub.: Regarding the behaviour of our Science/Math/English/History teacher

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect and humble submission, I beg to inform you, most regretfully, about the unprofessional behaviour of our Science/Math/English/History teacher - Mr./Ms. _________.

He/She often comes to the class late. Many times, he/she cracks awkward and obscene jokes, which I believe are inappropriate for students like us. Sometimes, he/she behaves indecently with the students, which is quite shameful. I have particularly noticed this a few times that he/she appears to be a little drunk during the afternoon session after the lunch hours.

His/Hers teaching methods are not very student-friendly. It has become very difficult to understand the subjects he/she teaches. Therefore, I request you to kindly investigate the matter urgently so that appropriate action against him/her can be taken and consequently, our studies do not suffer for his/her reckless behaviour.

Thanking you,

Yours obediently,

(Name of the Student)
Roll No. ___, Sec. ___
Class: _____

(Letter from the parents of a student to the Principal)

Date: ________

The Principal
______________ School/College

Sub.: Regarding the behaviour of Mr./Ms. __________, Science/ Math/ English/ History teacher.

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am the father/mother of (Name of the Student), Roll No. ___, Section ___, Class: ___. He/She has informed me about the unprofessional and unethical behaviour of Mr./Ms. __________, Science/ Math/ English/ History teacher.

It is saddening that he/she is not very focused while teaching to the students. He/She cracks jokes in the class, which are inappropriate for the students. He/She comes to the class late most of the time and leaves early. He/She sometimes appears to be a little drunk. He/She behaves badly with many students. He/She never tries to solve the difficulties faced by the students in solving their understanding issues.

As you can see, this type of attitude on his/her part is quite detrimental for the students. I strongly doubt his/her teaching abilities.

Therefore, I request you that an investigation must be carried out on this immediately and strict disciplinary action must be taken against him/her. The students will greatly appreciate your quick and strict action in this matter.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Parent)
Mob. ________

Complaint Letter to the Principal about a Teacher's Behavior


  1. Anonymous06 May, 2022

    Good step

  2. Thankyou so much for posting this article keep writing amazing articles like this

  3. Many Many Thanks for This article it helps me a lot.

  4. Thanks,
    It helps to suspand my dirty class teacher

  5. Thank You Great support to me.


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