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Application to Broadband Service Provider to Change Plan

With the upgradation of new technology and increased popularity of digital media, the demand for internet with high speed and higher data usage limits is growing exponentially year by year.

how to write an application to change broadband plan
In order to request a change of broadband plan, you can follow different alternate methods viz. login into the broadband company's consumer portal to lodge a change request, visit their branch office and submit a written application form, or else write a letter to them requesting for the change.

Here is a sample of application letter to the broadband service provider for change of internet tariff plan.


Date: _______

The Manager
(Name of the Telecom Company)
_______ Branch
(Office Address)

Sub.: Request for change of broadband plan

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am an existing customer of your company for broadband services. I would like to change my broadband plan to get a higher speed and more data usage limit. Kindly note the following details about my broadband connection.

i) Account no. _______. ii) Broadband no. ______.
iii) Name of the consumer: __________________.
iv) Address: _____________. v) Landline: _______.
vi) Existing broadband plan name: ______. Monthly charges: ______.
vii) New broadband plan name: ______.
Unlimited/ ___ Gb per month.
Monthly/Half-yearly Charges: ______.

Reason for change: Need more speed and data for usage.

I am willing to pay the necessary charges plus GST and other fees as may be applicable for changing to a new plan as requested above.

Therefore, I kindly request your goodself to approve the change of plan and do the needful in this regard at the earliest.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Customer)
Mob. _________

Application to Broadband Service Provider to Change Plan
