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Letter to the Forest Officer for Permission for Cutting Trees

Each state has laid down its rules and regulations against felling of trees in accordance with the Forest Act prevailing in the country.

letter to forest officer for cutting tree
Some categories of trees are especially prohibited from cutting down. Hence, in order to cut those down you need to obtain permission from the concerned forest authorities. Please consult your nearest forest department's office to know the procedure.

Here is an example of the request letter to the forest department for cutting trees on private property.


Date: ________

The Divisional Forest Officer
______ Forest Office
(Office Address)

Sub.: Requesting permission for cutting trees

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect and humble submission, I beg to state that there are some trees in the premises surrounding my home, which are in a risky position. They can fall down at any time, which may cause severe damage to our home if they fall on it. They pose a risk on our lives as well, if they fall on any human being. Hence, it is best to cut them down as soon as possible before any accident happens.

Here are some important details in this regard for your kind information:
i) Applicant name: ______________.
ii) Mobile: _________. Email: ______________.
iii) Trees' location: Near home.
iv) Home address: _______________, Taluka: ______, District: ________, PIN: ______.
v) Type of tree to be felled: _______.
vi) Number of trees to be felled: ____.
vii) Intended use of felled trees: For sale/ use for domestic purposes as per Govt. rules.

Therefore, your goodself is kindly requested to allow me to have the said tree(s) felled. Otherwise, you may instruct the concerned persons to have it cut down. I am enclosing herewith some photographs of the tree(s) for your reference.

Looking forward to your early response. I shall be grateful for your help.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Person)

Encl.: Photographs.

Letter to the Forest Officer for Permission for Cutting Trees
