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Letter to Accounts Dept to Release Outstanding Payment

In order to get the payment from certain parties, sometimes you need to follow up several times with them requesting for release of payment due at the earliest.

how to write a letter to a company for release of pending payment
Initially, you should write a letter or an email asking for release of payment against the respective invoices. If still the payment is not received, then you should further follow up by written communication a couple of times. This should be followed by a strong warning letter if payment is not released.

Finally, a legal notice from your lawyer can be issued to the party if no payment is issued after several follow-ups. This can be followed by a legal suit in the court of law if the amount is substantial.

Here is a sample of such a letter to the accounts or finance department of an organisation seeking immediate release of due payment.


Ref: _________
Date: ________

The Accounts Department
(Name of the Organisation)
(Office Address)
Tel. _________

Sub.: Overdue invoice payment reminder.

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to draw to your kind attention to the payment outstanding from you as per the following details. The payment has been pending to be received for the last ___ months.

i) Due amount: __________.
ii) Invoice ref. no.: _________ dated _________.
iii) Billed for supply of _______ goods/services.
iv) Purchase order no. _______ dated ________.
v) Payment due date: __________.

We had sent the invoice on (Date) along with the cover letter with all the details, which were delivered to you (Date). We had requested you to release the payment as soon as possible as we have to make payments to some of the parties in relation to the goods supplied/ services rendered to you. However, we are disappointed that no payment has been released to us yet. We are enclosing herewith a copy of the invoice once again for your ready reference.

Therefore, we request you to release the outstanding payment on the aforementioned invoice immediately on receipt of this letter. This will help us strengthen our business relationship with your company/firm.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Officer)

Encl.: As above

Letter to Accounts Department to Release Outstanding Payment


  1. first letter should be politely


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