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Intimation Letter to the Bank informing Director Resignation

A company is required to intimate about the resignation of a director of the company to different statutory authorities and other parties viz. Registrar of Companies, stock exchanges, auditors, shareholders, SEBI, key clients, bankers, etc.

intimation letter to bank for director resignation
Some companies inform their bankers about the director's resignation. Although not many companies do it, however, if the banker has insisted on getting such vital information informed to them, then the companies are bound to do it.

Here is a sample of such a letter to the bank for intimating the resignation of a director.


Ref: _________
Date: ________

The Branch Manager
___________ Bank Limited
__________ Branch

Reg.: Resignation of Ms./Mr. _____________, Director

Dear Sir/Madam,

We would like to inform that Ms./Mr. _____________ has resigned from the directorship of __________ Limited on personal grounds due to her/his preoccupation with other engagements vide her/his letter dated _______ received by the Company on (Date). The same has been communicated to different statutory authorities, regulatory bodies and other parties as needed.

Further, the Company has received a confirmation from Ms./Mr. ____________ that there are no material reasons for her/his resignation other than those mentioned in her/his resignation letter dated ________. A copy of her/his resignation letter is enclosed herewith.

With the resignation of Ms./Mr. _____________, the total strength of the Board of Directors of the Company as on date is ___ members. The Company had recently inducted (Number) new directors on the Board, who are Mr. ________, (brief bio) and Ms. __________, (brief bio).

This is for your kind information and records.

Yours faithfully,
For __________ Limited,

(Name of the MD/Officer)

Encl.: As above

Intimation Letter format to Bank for Resignation of Director
