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Sample Apology Letter to Neighbor for Construction Noise

All construction works are noisy affairs. The noise can be a big botheration for the persons, who are spending most of their time at the house. The working and sleep hours plus daily peace of mind can be deeply impacted.

sample letter to neighbours about building work
Although every person has a right to build his house or get permission from the statutory authority, if needed, still it is always advisable that you seek the cooperation of the neighbors to let the work continue smoothly.

Better to apologize in advance before the neighbors start complaining about the noise. This could be a nice gesture. It can put the angry mind of the neighbors at rest for a while.

Here is a sample letter to the neighbors about building work and apologize to them for the disturbance due to construction noise.


Date: ________

(Name of the Neighbor)

Dear Mr./Ms. _________,

We would like to sincerely apologize to you for the disturbance going on due to the construction noise for the building of our house.

We understand this must have been bothering you in your day-to-day activities, and during the sleeping hours. We are deeply sorry for the same.

We truly appreciate your patience and cooperation in this. We are trying very hard to push this as fast as possible to complete the whole construction at the earliest. We are also trying to keep the construction work during the hours permitted by the statutory authority.

We will surely try to make it up to you once the house is built and we shift to it. We promise you to be good neighbors.

Once again, sorry for the inconvenience.

We kindly seek your continued cooperation. Thank you!

Have a nice day!

Kind Regards,
(Name of the Person)
Mob. __________

Sample Apology Letter to Neighbor for Construction Noise
