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Apology Letter to Landlord for Noise Complaint (Sample)

It is always better to apologize than to drag the matter to a dispute over a small issue. The conflict between landlords and tenants is a thing going on for ages.

how to write an apology letter to your landlord
One of the issues that arise is complaints against the tenant for playing loud music in the landlord's rented premises or talking loudly with friends many times in a day, which creates botheration to the neighbors.

If the tenant realizes that he has done such a mistake, then he should apologize to the neighbors and commit not to repeat it again, so that the neighbors may not complain against the tenant to the landlord.

The landlord will be angry with you after the neighbors lodge their complaints. The landlord will ask for an explanation from you. You should apologize for your actions and promise not to do it again.

Here are examples of apology letters to the landlord for noise pollution.

TEMPLATE #1 (Letter)

Date: ________

(Name of the Landlord)
(Home Address)
(Phone Number)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to sincerely apologize for the complaint that you have received from our neighbors against me for creating noise in the flat.

Generally, I am very careful on this matter. I try my best not to create any nuisance to any neighbors. However, yesterday, there was a small gathering in the flat with some of my friends to celebrate one's birthday. We were having a little fun and the music was a bit loud. We certainly did not realize at that moment that it was bothering our neighbors.

I am very sorry for this botheration. I know it is totally irresponsible and unacceptable behavior on my part. I assure you - it will not be repeated again in the future.

I will also try to personally apologize to the neighbors when I meet them.

Thank you for your understanding! Have a nice day!

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Tenant)

TEMPLATE #2 (Email)

Dear Sir,

Please accept my sincere apology for the loud noise caused at the flat no. ___ on (Date).

There was a small party with a few friends that day. We were having a little fun. At that moment, we did not realize that the music would bother any neighbors. I will personally meet and apologize to the neighbors for this mistake.

I would like to assure you that such an incident would not happen again in the future.

Once again, I am very sorry for my actions.

(Tenant's Name)

Apology Letter to Landlord for Noise Complaint (Sample)
