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Letter from Landlord to Tenant to Renew Lease Agreement

Before the expiry of the term of a rental agreement, generally, the tenant approaches the landlord expressing his interest to continue the relationship or leave the property.

letter to renew lease agreement to tenant
If the tenant wants to stay at the landlord's premises and to renew the agreement, the landlord will evaluate the tenant's request. Considering the previous track record of the tenant, he will decide whether to allow him to continue or ask him to leave the property upon expiry of the agreement.

If the landlord decides to renew the agreement for another term, then he can inform the tenant in advance.

Here are samples of confirmation letters of intent to renew the rental agreement.

(Tenant is an individual.)

Date: ________

(Name of the Tenant)
(Address) (Phone No.)

Sub.: Renewal of the rental agreement

Dear ________,

This is with reference to the rental agreement dated ________ between us, the tenure of which is going to expire on (Date).

I am glad to inform you that your request for renewal of the same is duly noted and accepted herewith. I confirm that the said rental agreement will be renewed for a further term of ___ months.

The renewal formalities will be carried out after the expiry of the term.

Looking forward to a continuing relationship.

Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Landlord)
Mob. ____________

(Tenant is an organisation.)

Ref: ________
Date: _______

(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Tenant Organisation)
(Phone Number)

Subj.: Renewal of Lease Agreement

Dear ________,

Greetings of the day!

We refer to the Leave and License Agreement between (Name of the Landlord Organisation) and (Name of the Tenant Organisation) dated ________ for a period of  ___ months.

The term of the said agreement is due to expire on (Last Date as per the Agreement).

We hereby confirm our intention to renew the agreement for another term of ___ months post expiry.

We will carry out the renewal formalities after the expiry date.

We look forward to a continuing business relationship.

For (Name of the Landlord Organisation),

(Name of the Person)

TEMPLATE #3 (Email)
(Tenant is an organisation.)

Dear ________,

The term of our leave and license agreement dated ________ is due to expire on (Date). We understand that you are interested to renew the agreement.

We hereby confirm and agree to renew the agreement for another period of ___ months.

As per the terms of the existing agreement (Clause ___), the rental amount will be hiked by ___% per annum.

Please find attached herewith the draft of the renewal agreement to be executed post expiry. Please let me know if you have any query or concerns on this.

We look forward to continuing this mutually beneficial relationship.

Thank & Regards,
(Name of the Person)

Letter from Landlord to Tenant to Renew Lease Agreement
