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Sample Thank You Letter for Providing Information Required

If you feel gratitude towards someone for the help, then you ought to express it. Someone provided you with the information you were looking for and it was useful to you; thank him for sharing the information with kind words.

thank you letter for information given
One may seek information from someone on different occasions due to several reasons. It may be required because (i) he needs the information to complete a task, or (ii) he needs the information to pass it on to someone else, or (iii) he wants to enhance his knowledge on the matter.

Here are a couple of formats of letters and emails thanking someone for providing information.

TEMPLATE #1 (Letter)

Date: ...............

(Name of the Person)

Dear ....................,

Greetings of the day! I hope you are doing well.

I would like to thank you for the information you had provided me on (Topic) on (Date) as desired by me. Thanks for the detailed and helpful explanation. It was very useful to me. I needed it to complete a long pending task/assignment, which I was unable to complete because of lack of knowledge on my part on that matter.

I appreciate your timely help. Please do let me know if I can be of any help to you in future.

Have a great day/ evening!

Yours truly,

(Name of the Person)

TEMPLATE #2 (Email)

Dear ...............,

I cannot thank you enough for sharing the information on ................ last It came in very handy. I highly appreciate your efforts in gathering the information for me and passing it on very timely.

I must say I found the information very interesting and quite helpful in accomplishing my goals. I had been stuck on an assignment because of lack of required information. That is why I contacted you for the help.

I am so grateful to have a friend like you. Let me know if I can be of any help to you as well.

I hope you have a good day. See you soon!

Kind Regards,
(Your Name)

Sample Thank You Letter for Providing Information Required
