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Sample Termination Letter to Employee for Absconding

An employer may terminate the services of an employee as per the terms of employment agreed through an employment agreement signed at the time of joining.

termination letter for employee due to absconding
Generally, it happens when an employee violates any of the terms of such an employment contract, viz. absconding from duty, misbehavior at workspace, very poor performance, stealing company property, company policy violation, etc.

The most common reason for termination is absconding from duty i.e. when an employee is absent from work without taking any permission for leave and is not responding to the messages or notices from the employer regarding his absence.

Here are formats for termination letters for employees due to absconding. Do modify as necessary.

(Short notice of termination)

Ref: ................
Date: ...............

(Employee Name)
(Employee Code)
(Department's Name)

Sub.: Absconding from duty

Ms. ..................,

This is with reference to our notice dated ......... served on you via email on your personal email id at ............. on (Date) and via speed post delivered to you at your residential address at ...................... on (Date). We are disappointed to note that you have not reported to duty by the given time as mentioned in the notice i.e. by the end of working hours ....... pm on (Date).

You have not sought any permission from the company for your absence yet. We have not received any communication from you explaining the reasons for your absence. Hence, we regret to inform you that we are forced to terminate your employment with the company effective immediately.

You are required to complete all handover formalities in order to get the final settlement amount of your dues after deduction of penalty amount, if any.

For (Name of the Company),

(Name of the Officer)
HR Department

(Lengthy detailed notice of termination)

Ref: ................
Date: ...............

(Name of the Employee)
(Department's Name)
(Employee Code)

Subj.: Absconding from duty - Violation of employment contract

Mr. ..................,

It has been brought to our attention that you have been absent from work since (Date). You have not yet applied to your superior officer for permission to leave.

Your superior officer Mr. .............. has informed us that he has tried to contact you several times over the phone but you did not pick up the call nor did you respond back. A formal notice was also served at your personal email id at ................ on (Date) and by post at your residential address at ........... on (Date) seeking explanation on your absenteeism, but we have not heard back from you yet.

As you may be very well aware, such absenteeism from work for a long period without permission is considered as 'absconding from duty'. This is a very serious misconduct on your part and violation of the employment contract with the company.

In the said formal notice, you were given a final chance to report to duty by ...... p.m. on (Date). However, you have failed to report back by the due time. Hence, your employment with the company hereby stands terminated.

A penalization of ..... days' salary has been adjusted towards your balance payment due from the company. After completion of all handover formalities, the final settlement amount will be released to you.

We understand you have some of the important documents and properties of the company with you. You are required to hand it over to your superior officer by (Date) and complete all handover formalities as well, failing which, necessary legal action will be initiated against you.

For (Name of the Company),

(Name of the Officer)
HR Department

Sample Termination Letter to Employee for Absconding


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