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Appreciation Letter to an Employee for Good Performance

Every employee needs motivation to perform better in his job. There are many ways to motivate the employees viz. periodical incentives, events, parties, appraisal, promotion, holiday tours, food coupons, etc.

sample appreciation letter to employee for good performance
A simple step towards motivating an employee can also start by formally writing a letter or email to him appreciating his good performance in a particular project or during the last few months.

Here are samples of such appreciation letters to employees for outstanding performance and hard work.

(Appreciation letter to an employee for outstanding performance)

Date: ..................

(Name of the Employee)

Subj.: Your performance during last few months

Dear ...............,

We are glad to learn that you have been performing well at your job for the past several months. Congratulations on achieving your target every month and meeting the expected level. We are also happy to see that you have a high level of work ethics by being punctual and dedicated to work.

The senior management has taken a note of your good performance. They would like to convey their sincere appreciation to you.

We hope you will continue to strive hard to outperform at work. We wish you best of luck for your success.

For (Name of the Company),

(Name of the Officer)

(Appreciation email to employee for successful completion of project)

Dear ...............,

I would like to convey my heartfelt thanks to you for your hard work and enthusiastic participation in completion of the ............ project successfully in a timely manner.

The senior management wishes to place on record its sincere appreciation for your all-round efforts towards the project.

We are hopeful that you will continue to perform better with your dedication and excellence.

Wish you all the very best!

(Name of the Officer)

(Appreciation email to employee for good customer service)

Dear ..............,

I am pleased to inform you that the board of directors and the senior management of our company are extremely impressed and satisfied with your dedicated performance during the last fiscal year. Your hard work is visible through the positive customer feedback we have received who you served quite efficiently.

Your commitment to your job and work ethics are inspiring other team members as well. We admire your tireless efforts in providing good customer service throughout the year. We are glad to have you as a valued member of our team. We heartily appreciate your contributions towards the growth and success of this organisation.

Thanking you for your service and wishing you all the very best for your success in the future!

Warm Regards,
(Name of the Officer)

Appreciation Letter to an Employee for Good Performance
