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Letter to Bank to Close Safe Deposit Box Facility Locker Account

In order to close your safe deposit box facility or locker account, which is being maintained with any bank, you have to submit a written request to the bank in this regard.

how to write a letter to bank manager to close locker
You can check with your bank by visiting the branch office or their website for any prescribed application form for this purpose, so that you can fill in the necessary information and submit it to the bank.

Otherwise, you can simply prepare a letter with all the details of the locker account with a request for discontinuation of the facility.

Here is a sample of a letter to the bank manager to close the locker facility.


Date: _________

(Name of the Account-holder)
(Registered Address)
(Telephone Number)

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Name of the Branch)

Sub.: Closure of Safe Deposit Locker Facility

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am the sole holder of the savings account number ____________ in your bank at ________ branch. I am also currently availing the Safe Deposit Locker facility from your bank.

Type of Locker: ____________
Locker Number: ____________

Although, I had opened the account for safe custody of some of my contents, I have not been putting any essential contents in the locker for a long time now. However, I still have to pay the annual charges for this facility. Therefore, I have decided to discontinue availing the locker facility.

Kind request to close the locker facility immediately as per the details mentioned above. Necessary charges in this regard may be debited to my savings account number ____________.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)

Request Letter to Bank to Close Locker Account Facility
