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Complaint Letter to Bank Manager for Not Clearing Cheque

Generally, it takes around 2-5 business days for a cheque to be cleared from the time of deposit by the customer.

sample letter to bank for non clearance of cheque
When a cheque is deposited at the bank, it goes through a certain clearing process to finally credit one party's account and debit another's.

If you have issued a cheque in favor of any person or organisation and the party has deposited your cheque in his bank, then you should wait for at least 2-5 working days. If the cheque is still not cleared, then a complaint can be lodged at the bank.

Hereunder are two samples of such complaint letters for your reference.

(Complaint by the party who deposited the cheque with his bank)

Date: ________

(Name of the Account holder)
(Complete Address)
(Telephone Number)

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Name of the Branch)

Sub.: Complaint regarding non-clearance of cheque

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am the account holder of the savings/current account bearing number ___________. I have recently deposited a cheque no. ________ dated ________ for (Amount), which was issued to me by (Name of the Party).

I had deposited the cheque on (Date). Since then ___ business days have passed, which is sufficient for clearing any cheque, but the money has not been credited to my account yet.

I hope all the formalities from your side have been completed. I have already raised this issue with the paying party. He will take up the issue with his/their bank. Meantime, I kindly request you to check if there is anything pending from your end in clearance of the cheque.

Kindly do the needful as may be necessary for clearance of the cheque.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)

(Complaint by the party who had issued the cheque)

Date: _________

(Name of the Account-holder)
(Postal Address)
(Contact Number)

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Name of the Branch)

Sub.: Complaint regarding non-clearance of cheque

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am currently maintaining a savings/current account bearing number _________ in your bank at ________ branch. I had issued a cheque bearing no. _______ dated _______ for (Amount) in favor of (Name of the Party).

I understand the aforementioned party, in favor of whom the cheque was issued, had deposited the cheque in his/their bank on (Date). It has been over ___ working days since then. I believe the cheque must have come to your bank for clearance.

Since sufficient time has elapsed for clearing of the cheque, I do not understand neither do I appreciate the delay in clearing of the cheque. Therefore, I request you to kindly look into the matter and clear the cheque at the earliest.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)

Complaint Letter to Bank Manager for Not Clearing Cheque
