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Warning letter to Employee for Regular Late Coming to Office

Punctuality is one of the greatest traits of an employee. It not only shows your sincerity towards work but also helps you in achieving the targeted assignments in a timely manner. It puts a good record in the books of your employer, which will help you get promotions and appraisals.

warning letter format to employee for late coming
Being late to work occasionally is a negligible mistake, which your boss may ignore. However, if you make a habit out of it and if you start coming too late almost every day then you may lose the job eventually.

Initially, a warning is issued to such an employee by his boss / HR manager in expectation that the employee would start becoming punctual at work. The employee should not ignore such warnings.

Here is a sample of such a warning letter to an employee for late coming to work for your reference.


Ref: _________
Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
(Name of the Department)
Employee Code: _________

Sub.: Regular Late Coming to Office - Violation of Company Policy

Dear Mr. / Ms. (First Name of the Employee),

We regret to note that you have been arriving at the office beyond the time prescribed for reporting to duty for most of the time during the last few weeks. We noticed these are major time gaps and not just a minor delay of a few minutes.

You are well aware, such delayed reporting entails penalty as per the company's policy. Hence, your half-day salary will be deducted for the days of delays. Please note that such late coming is considered quite adversely during the evaluation process of your appraisal or promotion in the company. We hope that you will abide by the rules to the letter.

You are further advised in your own interest to be punctual at work and not to repeat such late comings in the future. Please note the company will be forced to take necessary disciplinary action, if you continue to arrive late at work. This may even result in the termination of your employment.

This letter will be placed on your personnel employment file. Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing one copy of the letter as enclosed herewith.


For (Name of the Company),

(Name of the Officer)

Encl.: A/a

Warning letter to Employee for Regular Late Coming to Office
