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Application to Principal for Leave of Absence due to Fever

Every school has some rules and regulations governing the functioning of the school, guidelines to be followed by its staff and students.

One of such rules for the students is to seek appropriate permission before or immediately after being absent from the school for any reason.

write an application to your principal for leave due to feverA student can take a leave of absence from attending the school under different circumstances depending on the timing when his health deteriorates.

(1) He falls sick during the school hours - then he can make an application during school hours for leave due to sickness.
(2) He falls sick before coming to school - then he can make an application before coming to school for leave due to sickness, the parents can have it submitted.
(3) His sickness continues after taking leave - then he can seek extended leave by making an application for leave due to continued sickness.

Either the student himself or the parents could submit the application letter at the school depending on the convenience.

The following templates of such letters could be used while preparing the leave application.

(Sudden illness during school hours)

Date: ...................

The Principal
(Name of the School)

Subj.: Application for leave from attending school

Respected Sir/Madam,

With due respect, I beg to state that I am not feeling very well today. I am feeling like I have a fever, and hence I will have to be absent from school for the rest of the day. I need to go home immediately and thereafter go to the doctors for a checkup and medication.

Therefore, I kindly request you to grant me leave for today.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
(Name of the Student)

Class: .............
Roll No.: ..............

(Sickness before going to school)

Date: ...................

The Principal
............... School

Subj.: Application for leave from attending school due to sickness

Respected Sir/Madam,

Most humbly, I beg to say that I am currently ill and suffering from fever. As per doctor's advice, I am taking bed rest and I am on continued medication. Thus, I am unable to come to school today for attending the classes.

Therefore, kindly grant me leave for two days from (Date) to (Date) for recovering. I shall be very obliged.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
(Name of the Student)
Class: ..........
Roll No.: ...............

(Continued sickness after taking leave)

Date: ...................

The Principal
................ School

Subj.: Application for leave from attending school due to fever


Respectfully, I beg to inform you that I had sought leave from attending school from (Date) to (Date) due to suffering from fever. I have not been able to recover yet. I am on medication and taking bed rest presently. The fever may go down in the next couple of days. Hence, I am hopeful to attend the class (Date) onwards.

Therefore, I kindly request your goodself to grant me leave from (Date) to (Date). I shall be grateful.

Thanking you,
Yours obediently,
(Name of the Student)

Class: .........
Roll No.: ...........

Application to Principal for Leave of Absence due to Fever


  1. शादी में शामिल होने के लिए

    1. Anonymous14 July, 2022

      The Head master of
      ( Your school )of (district)and your (city name).
      (Sub- 3 days leave for elder sister marriage)
      I beg to start that l am (your name),class-10th or 9th.l am writting this letter to you because my elder sister's marriage is going on the date of (. . .).so my father wants to help him in my sister marriage.
      There fore l request to give me 3 days leave. so I shall gratefull to you.

      Your obediently student
      (Your name)(class -)and (Roll no-)

  2. Suffering isu fever

  3. Anonymous01 June, 2023

    Very good


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