Junior advocates or any other advocates with work experience may seek a copy of experience letter from his ex-employer that could be a law firm or any other organization, where he was working. An experience certificate is useful while applying for a new job in any other firm or organization.

Some of the experience letters are detailed with additional information on work done by that advocate, achievements in dealing cases, etc.
Here is a sample experience certificate for your reference.
(To be printed on the letterhead of the law firm)
Ref: .................
This is to certify that Mr./Ms. (Name of the Advocate), aged .... years, son/ daughter/ wife of (Name of the Father/ Husband), was associated with our firm i.e. (Name of the Firm) as a (Designation) from (Date) to (Date). During the association, he was practicing as an Advocate and was dealing with various important civil and criminal cases in the CAT/Session Court/High Court/Supreme Court at (Location). As per our records, his registered Certificate of Practice number is ................
During the period of his/her association with our law firm, his/her behavioral conduct was good and his/her performance was satisfactory. He/She was enthusiastic at work and he/she was completing the assignments timely and prudently.
This is to declare and affirm that the above-mentioned information is correct and based on the service records available in our organization.
(Name of the Partner)
(Affix Law Firm Seal)
Date: ...............
Place: ..............
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