Transmission is the transfer of legal rights on something from one person to another by operation of law.

Following formats can be used for lodging requests for transmission of mutual fund units.
Letter is to be addressed either to the Mutual Fund company itself or its AMC - Asset Management Company, in case the Mutual Fund units are managed by any AMC.
Letter from Nominees/ Legal Heirs in case of Death of Sole /All unit-holders for Transmission of Mutual Fund units
Date: .....................
(Name of the Asset Management Company)
(Unit: Name of the Mutual Fund Company)
(Full Address, Phone Number, Email)
Sub.: Request for transmission of mutual fund units
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We, (Name of Nominees/ Heirs), would hereby like to bring to your attention that the following mutual fund units are currently being held in the name of (Name of the Sole or all Joint Holders, who died), who sadly passed away on (Date). The death certificate of the deceased is enclosed herewith.
Sl. No. | Mutual Fund Scheme Name | Folio No. | No. of Units
(In case of nominee) As you will notice from your records that I/We am/are the registered nominee for the above-mentioned units. My/Our identity and address proofs are enclosed herewith for your verification purposes.
(In case of legal heir) I/We am/are the legal heirs of the deceased whose mutual fund units holding details are provided herein above. Copy of Will / Succession certificate is enclosed herewith for your reference.
My/Our personal and banking details are as follows. Kindly update it in your records.
Sl. No. | Claimant Name | Address | Phone | Email | Banking | PAN | Relationship with Deceased
Therefore, I/we request you to kindly transmit the said mutual fund units in my/our name.
Kindly do the needful and communicate accordingly.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Nominee/ Legal Heir)
(1) Copy of Death Certificate duly attested by Notary Public.
(2) Copy of Will / Succession Certificate duly attested by Notary Public.
(3) KYC documents - identity and address proofs of nominees/ heirs.
(4) Bank mandate form with signature verification from banker of nominees / heirs.
(5) Indemnity bond and individual affidavits from legal heirs.
Letter from 2nd and/or 3rd unit-holders (surviving unit-holder) in case of Death of 1st unit-holder for Transmission of Mutual Fund units and if his Nominee not registered
Date: ...............
(Name of the Mutual Fund company)
(Office Address)
(Phone Number)
Sub.: Transmission of Mutual Fund units
Dear Sir,
I/We, (Name of the Surviving Unit-holders), hereby would like to inform you that the following mutual fund units are currently held by (Name of the Deceased Unit-holder) and me/us jointly in our names. Sadly, (Name of the Deceased Unit-holder) has expired on (Date).
[Mutual Fund Units Details - Scheme name, Number of units and Folio number]
I/We, therefore, would kindly request you to transmit the units in my/our favor. My/Our identity and address proofs are enclosed herewith along with other required documents including death certificate copy and bank mandate form.
Kindly do the needful and intimate us once done please.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Surviving Unit-holder)
(1) Original death certificate / copy of death certificate duly attested by gazetted officer or notary.
(2) Identity and address proofs of surviving unit-holders.
(3) Bank mandate form duly filled in and attested by the banker.
Letter from Legal Guardian of Nominee in case of Death of Sole unit-holder / Joint unit-holders for Transmission of Mutual Fund units, if Nominee is a minor
Date: ..................
(Name of the Mutual Fund company)
(Office Address)
(Phone Number)
Sub.: Request for transmission of mutual fund units
Dear Sir,
I, (Name of the Legal Guardian), is the legal guardian of (Minor Name) who is a minor now. (Minor name) is the registered nominee for the following mentioned mutual fund units, which is currently in the name of (Deceased Person's Name). I have to sadly inform you that (Deceased Person's Name) has passed away on (Date).
[Details of the Mutual Fund Units: Scheme name, Number of units and Folio number]
Therefore, it is kindly requested that the said units be transmitted in the name of (Minor Name) under my guardianship.
All the required documents are enclosed herewith. If there is any more information or documents are required, then please let me know by letter at (Address) or email at ............... or over the phone reachable at .................
Kindly do the needful and oblige.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Name of the Legal Guardian)
(1) Death certificate of the deceased unitholder, duly notarized.
(2) Identity and address proofs of nominee and guardian.
(3) Bank mandate details of nominee and guardian in the form attested by the banker.
(4) Minor nominee's date of birth proof copy duly notarized.
(5) Legal guardianship proof - court order copy duly notarized.
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