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Letter to Police to Lodge FIR for Lost or Stolen Mobile & SIM

If you have lost your mobile phone for any reason viz. misplaced it or it was stolen, then you should make an application to the local police station to register an FIR. This will be helpful not only to block the SIM in the mobile but also to recover it.

complaint letter to police for lost of my mobile
The FIR copy will be very useful in case someone misuses your mobile and phone number for any wrongful purposes. As the mobile is registered in your name, you might be blamed for this.

In order to avoid this unpleasant situation, you can produce a copy of the FIR as evidence that the mobile was lost earlier and not in your possession anymore.

Here are samples of applications to the police station for your reference.

(In case, the mobile was lost or misplaced.)

Date: ................

The Officer-in-charge
............ Police Station

Sub.: My mobile lost or misplaced - Application for lodging an FIR

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, (Name of the Applicant), aged .... years, son/daughter of (Name of the Father), is currently residing at (Address). On (Date), while travelling from (Location) to (Location), I lost/misplaced my mobile phone during the transit somewhere. I have searched everywhere possible to find the mobile, but I am unable to trace it. The mobile was of ............... company and .......... model, its IMEI number .............. The mobile phone was having a SIM of ........... company inside it. The phone number of the SIM is ..................

Therefore, I hereby request you to kindly register the FIR for my lost mobile. An attested copy of the FIR may kindly be provided to me, which will help me to further block the SIM and for future reference.

I will be grateful if you kindly take any action to trace and recover the lost mobile.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Applicant)
(Full Address)
(Phone Number)

(In case, mobile stolen/theft by someone.)

Date: .................

The Officer-in-charge
........... Police Station

Sub.: Request for lodging an FIR regarding theft of my mobile phone with SIM

Respected Sir/Madam,

I, (Name of the Person), aged .... years, son/daughter/wife of (Name of the Father/Husband), is a resident of (Residential Address). I was using a mobile of ........... brand, model no. ............, IMEI number .................., which I had purchased in (Month, Year). On (Date) at around (Time), while I was travelling by bus/train at (Location), some miscreant, whom I could not see, stole my mobile. The mobile was in my pant pocket, when it was stolen. The mobile phone was having a SIM of ........... company inside it. The phone number of the SIM is ..................

I, therefore, kindly request you to register an FIR in this matter. Please provide me with an attested copy thereof. I shall be grateful for any efforts taken from your side to trace the stolen mobile and recover it.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Applicant)
(Full Address)
(Phone Number)

Letter to Police to Lodge FIR for Stolen Mobile


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