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Resignation Letter Due to Bad and Rude Behaviour of Boss

Unprofessional behavior of bosses may not go so well with some of the employees. Hence, some of them end up taking drastic decisions like resigning from work. Here, the important thing to note is what all behavior of a boss should be considered as unprofessional and what should not be.

how to write a resignation letter due to hostile work environment
In the course of conducting daily business and official affairs, it is seen that the senior officials get angry on their subordinates for any delay in completion of assignments or for mistakes committed.

As a responsible employee and a civilized human being, such behavior should still be conducted in a professional manner rather than in an uncivilized way by being rude to the employee and humiliating him inhumanly.

Therefore, employees should analyze the incident before taking any hasty decisions that may hamper their career. After all, bosses are humans too and sometimes they make mistakes too.

Following resignation letter is for your reference.

(Resigning with notice period for misbehavior of boss in general)

Date: .................

(Name of the HR head)
HR Department
(Company's Name)

CC to: (Name of the CEO), CEO

Sub.: Tendering resignation from the post of (Designation)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hereby tender my resignation from the post of (Designation), ............ Department. I am hereby serving the .... days' notice period as required under my employment agreement with the company. Hence, my last working date at this office will be (Date).

Reasons for resigning:

I have been trying to conduct my work at office sincerely and punctually at all times from the beginning. I have tried to complete the assignments given to me to the best possible outcome that can happen with my expertise and skills. However, my immediate senior officer Mr. .............. has been very rude and unprofessional to me at work. I would have not considered such behavior rude unless I have strong reasons to believe so. I would not mind certain scolding and anger from my senior official in the course of conducting daily affairs if it was for genuine reasons and purely relating to my work performance or conduct at work. However, he would humiliate me in front of many employees just for the sake of a good laugh. He would start rudely behaving with me in the department over a small matter of work.

I have been tolerating this for a long time now. I cannot tolerate this misconduct any longer. I hope you would understand my situation and I would request that you enquire about this with my colleagues. They would be able to confirm these incidents as most of it happened in front of everyone present in the department.

I will duly complete the handover formalities by the last working day. I kindly request you to relieve me from my duties on that day and provide me with a relieving certificate to that effect. I would appreciate it if an experience letter is issued to me for the period of work completed here in this organization.

Thanking you for your understanding! I wish your esteemed organization all the success and growth.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)

(Resigning immediately for a specific misconduct event by the boss)

Date: .................

(Name of the HR head)
HR Department
(Company's Name)

Sub.: Tendering resignation from the post of (Designation)

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am hereby resigning from the post of (Designation), (Department) with immediate effect. Even though I am interested to work in an esteemed company like this, I am bound to resign for the following reasons.

On (Date), my boss - Mr. ................ called me to his cabin around (Time). He then enquired about a previous assignment and the progress on it. I had briefed him on the matter thoroughly and explained the reasons because of which the assignment could not be completed in time. He then got furious over the matter and started scolding inappropriately. It was still okay for me until then, as I knew it was my responsibility to complete the task in time. However, after scolding me so much, he started raising hands on me, slapped me several times and kicked my body with his foot.

No employee could tolerate such gross rude behavior by a boss. Therefore, I have decided to resign from my position. I wanted to keep the name of the company in good condition and hence, I did not lodge any police complaint for this.

I hope you would appreciate my situation and the reason for resigning as such. I, therefore, request your goodself to kindly waive the serving of notice period in my case and relieve me from my duties immediately. Kindly also issue an experience letter for the period of my association with your company.

I would complete all the handing over formalities properly within the next couple of days.

Thanking you for your understanding! I wish your organization's continued success.

Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Employee)

unfair treatment unhappy resignation letter due to bad behaviour of boss sample


  1. Santosh Nayak15 October, 2023

    Can a complaint be filed in any legal forum against the boss for misconduct serious in nature?

    1. Vikas Malhotra15 October, 2023

      You can approach the nearest Labour Office for lodging a complaint against your employer. Otherwise, you may go to the police station or file a suit against the boss.


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