Most of the projects are time-bound under written arrangements and contracts. Failure to adhere to the deadline under a contract can attract penalties on payments. Hence, the parties are expected to obey the timeliness of the whole arrangement for the overall success of the project.

Generally, the party who's to approve such extension reserves the discretionary right over it, which means he may even allow under genuine circumstances if he so decides.
There is no harm in trying to get an extension if a delay is about to happen. It would be advisable if you get your letter vetted by your legal team as sometimes these letters become essential evidence in case of any dispute between the parties in the future.
Following sample of the letter can be suitably modified and used.
Ref: ...................
Date: .................
(Name of the Officer)
(Name of the Organization)
(Office Address)
(Phone Number)
Sub.: Extension of project completion deadline
Ref: Agreement no. ............. dated ...................
Dear Mr. / Ms. ............,
This is with reference to the ongoing execution of the project under the contract dated ............. between our companies. I wanted to give you an update about the latest status on supply and delivery dates, etc.
At the outset, I must apologize on behalf of our entire team that there has been some inadvertent diversion from our original plan of execution. Unfortunately, we were not able to supply your company with the goods as per the purchase order no. .............. dated .................. on time as committed.
[Explain the reason for delay - like scarcity of raw materials, trouble with suppliers, any strikes in factories, local public issue and economic impact - any reason that would justify such delay.]
However, I would like to assure you that our production team is working hard to deliver the goods ordered within the next few days. Keeping this in mind, I am kindly requesting you to allow us a .... days' grace period on the said order's delivery date.
Once again, we regret the undue inconvenience this may have caused you. We would surely make it up to you in future.
We would highly appreciate your cooperation in the matter.
Thanking you for your understanding!
Yours sincerely,
(Name of the Officer)
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