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Date of Birth Change in Bank Account Formal Letter to Bank

A bank will change the date of birth of a customer in its records only after receiving proper documentary proof.

how to write a letter to bank for change of date of birthTherefore, along with the application letter to the bank for changing your date of birth in the bank account you have to provide copies of birth date proofs, otherwise, the bank will most likely reject your application.

The documents, which are considered for valid date of birth proof, are matriculation certificate (Grade 10), passport, Aadhaar, pan card, driving license, etc.

Following format of the application letter could be useful.


Date: ....................

(Name of the Account-holder)
(Phone Number)

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Name of the Branch)
(Branch Address)

Sub.: Request for correction of Date of birth error in my bank account

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have recently noticed an error in my personal details in the banking records for my savings account in your bank. I was checking my bank passbook and on the front page, I noticed that my date of birth is mentioned incorrectly.

Kindly note the following details carefully.

Savings account number: ..........................
Account holder name: ...............................
Wrong date of birth (at present in bank records): ..................
Correct date of birth (as per valid documentary proof): ..........................

Therefore, I request you to kindly correct the same in your records for my account at the earliest. I am enclosing herewith copies of my matriculation certificate and Aadhaar card for verification purposes.

I do hereby solemnly declare and confirm that my date of birth as per the documentary proof available is ............... The said date of birth is correct and the same can be used in my banking records at all places.

I agree and undertake to indemnify (Name of the Bank) against all claims arising because of this corrective action taken by the bank for updating my date of birth as requested by me herein-above.

Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)

(1) Matriculation certificate copy
(2) Aadhaar card copy

date of birth change in bank account letter


  1. Thank you so much for your help I really appreciate 🙏🏼

    1. Really this is helpful?

  2. Anonymous22 June, 2023

    Thanks for your help I really appreciate

  3. Wow nice Lata thank u


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