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Letter to Bank for Claim Settlement of a Deceased Account

The legal heirs or claimants of a deceased person can write a letter of disclaimer to the bank where the deceased was holding account(s). Such a letter is written to the bank requesting final settlement of the balance amount lying in the account and credit of the money to their respective accounts.

sample letter to bank for the claim settlement of a deceased accountThe bank may insist on the claimants to submit the letter in the form of an affidavit to be printed in stamp paper, signed by all the claimants and notarised by a notary or magistrate, wherein they undertake to bind themselves for any future disputes or claims from other parties.

Following format can be used. Modify it suitably as per your need. Add all the details correctly to avoid any repetition of work.


Date: .................

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Name of the Branch)

Sub.: Settlement of claims in respect of deceased account holder
Ref: Savings account no. ................ in the name of ..................

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to the captioned account, we advise that (Name of the deceased account holder), the holder of the said account has expired on (date). A copy of the death certificate is enclosed herewith for your kind information.

Late (Name of the deceased account holder) was maintaining the said savings account and had two Fixed Deposits (FDs) linked to that account. As per our information, the said savings account had a balance of (sum of money). Bank passbook, ATM card, cheque book and FD original receipts are enclosed herewith.

We are herewith lodging our claim for the above balances with accrued interest of the above named deceased in terms of succession certificate / court order dated .......... Copy of which is enclosed herewith. We declare that we are the legal heirs of Late (Name of the deceased account holder). Kindly note the following information for your records.


Name of the Legal Heir



Relationship with the deceased
















We have to advise that we have no objection to your paying the balance amount lying in the said account with your bank and the FDs in the name of the Late (Name of the deceased account holder) to the following claimants.


Name of the Claimants



Relationship with the deceased




















We solemnly declare and affirm that neither we nor our heirs or legal representatives will revoke the declaration made herein. We further undertake to bind ourselves without questioning the bank's action for the payment of the balance in the said account and FDs maturity value to the above mentioned claimants and for any legal proceedings or third party claim arising out in future in relation to this matter.

We declare that the facts stated above are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,

(Name of the Legal heir)

(Name of the Legal heir)

1) Identity and address proofs of claimants (self attested).
2) Copy of Death certificate of deceased. Certified by a gazetted officer.
3) Indemnity letter on stamp paper.
4) Bank passbook, ATM card and cheque book.
5) Certified copy of Succession/Legal heirship certificate issued by competent authority.
6) Original FD receipts.

Letter to Bank for Claim Settlement of a Deceased Account


  1. rekha nirgunkar10 October, 2018

    It's what I was looking for. Thanks very much!

  2. Anonymous13 May, 2022

    till what time , claim can be submitted?

    1. Ajay Kumar13 May, 2022

      There's no time limit. Please contact your bank.

  3. Anonymous10 June, 2022

    how long on average does the bank take to process such a letter

    1. It's difficult to say the average time period. You should keep following up in every 3-4 days to get it done soon.


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