Cover letters are always a sign of good business conduct / etiquette. While submitting bidding documents to the tender-inviting company, the bidder should write an impressive cover letter with it to offer and convey their interest to take the job/project and showcase in brief why they should be the chosen one.

It is not mandatory to have both dates in the letter. You can write only one of them.
(To be printed on the letterhead of the bidder)
Ref: ................... Date: .................
(Name of the Organization)
(Office Address)
(Phone Number)
(Email Id)
Kind Attn: (Name of the Officer), (Designation)
Sub.: Our bid/offer submission for the .................... work
Ref: Your Tender specification no. ........... dated .............
Dear Sir/Madam,
We are herewith submitting our Bid documents against the Tender floated by your organization bearing no. ............. dated .............. We are willing to offer our services to carry out the work specified in the said Tender document.
We have gone through the following documents and information made available by you along with the tender document and we hereby agree to abide ourselves with the terms and conditions mentioned therein.
(1) Notice Inviting Tender (NIT)
(2) Price Bid
(3) Contract clauses
(4) General Forms
(5) Letter of Undertaking
(6) Performance Bank guarantee terms
(7) Integrity pact/agreement
(8) Indemnity agreement
We understand and acknowledge that:
(a) Your organization reserves the right to reject any or all bids including ours without assigning any reasons for it and we hereby waive our right to challenge the same in future.
(b) Your organization is not bound to accept the lowest bid received by you.
(c) If our bid is accepted, we shall be required to execute all the works mentioned in the Tender document and comply with the terms and conditions of the contract, a draft of which was attached along with it.
The Tender forms duly filled in and signed by the authorized representatives of our organization are enclosed herewith along with a Demand Draft (DD) towards the Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) for a sum of (amount).
We strongly hope that our bid will be considered positively. We are a reputed company; our employees and staff show a great deal of commitment towards the work of our clients.
We look forward to associate with your organization.
Thanking you,
For (Name of the Company),
(Name of the Officer)
(Department's Name)
Place: ................
Date: .................
Enclosed: As above
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