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Application Letter to Bank for Mobile Banking Activation

When a customer of the bank wants to perform transactions through mobile, then the customer should have mobile banking services activated for its bank account otherwise he will not be able to do the transaction through mobile.

how to write a letter to bank manager for mobile banking facilityOnce the bank activates the mobile banking services for the customer's account, the customer is given a MPIN, which is short for ‘Mobile banking Personal Identification number’. It is just like an ATM PIN which is used for authentication purposes to approve a transaction. Generally, a MPIN is a 4-digit code but some banks provide 6-digit MPIN too.

Mobile banking is used in different modes of transactions including SMS / IVR mode of banking, USSD banking, Mobile Application (App) banking, UPI or IMPS, etc.

Most of the banks have a pre-printed form, which needs to be filled up, signed and submitted at the branch. Some banks like rural or co-operative banks may not have such forms, in which case you have to submit a written signed letter from you. The following format can be used.


Date: ...................

The Branch Manager
(Name of the Bank)
(Name of the Branch)

Sub.: Registration for Mobile banking services for my savings account

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am a savings account holder of your bank's branch at .............. I wish to register for the mobile banking services of the bank. I am hereby submitting my request for the activation of mobile banking services for my account - the details of which are as under:

Account Number: .........................
Customer/user Id: ....................
Date of birth: ....................
Mobile number: .....................
Email id: .......................................
Name of the account holder: .........................

I have gone through in detail the terms and conditions prescribed by the bank with regard to its mobile banking services provided to the customers. I agree to abide by the same and accept them unconditionally.

I further agree to abide by any modifications to these terms and conditions that may be made by the bank in the future with or without any notice.

I further acknowledge the responsibility on me for the transactions executed through mobile banking services and I agree that the same will be binding on me.

I, therefore, request you to kindly activate the mobile banking services for my account and provide me with MPIN - Mobile banking Personal Identification Number and other details as may be necessary.

Kindly communicate once the services are activated for my account.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)
Mob. .......................
Address: ..............................

Application Letter to Bank for Mobile Banking Activation


  1. Ved Prakash07 October, 2018

    Thank you sirs and madams for helping us old people to write these application letters easily.

  2. Thanks ! It helped me a lot .

  3. Anonymous07 July, 2022

    Thanks it help me a lot

  4. Thanks this really helped me


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