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Authority Letter to Submit Passport Application Documents

Authority letter is a letter from a person addressed to another person/organisation authorising someone else to do something on his behalf. It is given as the person is unable to attend to that work on that particular date and time because he has to attend to some other important work.

Here, in this case, a passport applicant is authorising another person to submit his/her application form at the Passport office.

authorization letter to submit indian passport application
During a visit to the passport office, the representative must carry his original identity document bearing his/her photograph. The concerned official at the Passport office will verify this during the submission of application and authority letter. A copy of identity document should also be attached along with an authority letter. Identity proofs viz. Driving license, social security card, taxation identity card, etc.

Please note the Authority letter can be given only in case of submission of passport application. However, on the date of appointment at the Passport office for application and supporting documents verification, the applicant has to be personally present. He cannot authorise anyone else for this purpose.

The format of the Authority letter is as follows. You may refer to the specimen copy of such an authority letter, if there is any prescribed format already available in the website of the Passport office.


Authority Letter

Date: ................

(Name of the Applicant)
(Phone number)

The Passport Officer
............. Passport Office
(City Name)

Sub.: Authorisation for submission of passport application

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am hereby authorizing Mr./Ms. (Name of the Authorized Representative), son/wife/daughter of ................................., resident of (Home Address), whose signature is attested below, to submit, on my behalf, my passport application form along with other original documents at the passport office.

Kind request to your goodself to accept my passport application form from the above mentioned authorized representative of mine.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Applicant)

Signature of authorized representative: .....................
Name of the authorized representative: .....................

Above name and signature verified by:
Signature of the applicant: ...................
Name of the applicant: .........................

authority letter format for passport submission


  1. Dinesh Mawatwal11 August, 2018

    thank you for the authority letter format

  2. Chetan Kumar20 September, 2018

    Right time me kaam me aa gaya. Dhanyabaad.


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