Mandate to operate Savings/ Current account is an authorisation by NRI account holders who would like their accounts to be operated by a person living in India.

Letter of mandate is to be signed by both account holder and mandate holder.
Here's an example of such a letter of mandate to operate a bank account on your behalf.
Date: ________
The Branch Manager
(Bank's Name)
(Branch's Name)
Sub.: Mandate to operate savings/ current account / non-resident External Rupee (NRE) account
Ref: My/our savings / current / NRE account number ___________
Dear Sir/Madam,
I/We am/are a NRE account holder(s) of your bank at ___________ branch, bearing account number ___________. I/We am/are presently residing out of India. Hence, to avoid any inconvenience to me/us in operating the account, I/we hereby request you to take this letter as standing instructions / mandate for:
- honouring all cheques drawn on the aforesaid account bearing no. _____________ and instruction for local disbursements only by Mr./Ms. (Name of the Mandate holder) (hereinafter, referred to as the "mandate holder"), a resident of (Address of Mandate holder) notwithstanding that such cheques may create an overdraft or increase it to any extent; and
- authorise the mandate holder on my/our behalf to make, draw, endorse, accept or otherwise sign any bills of exchange, promissory notes or other negotiable instruments and to discount the same with your bank or otherwise; and
- further authorise the mandate holder to make, draw, endorse or sign cheques or any other negotiable instrument of any description for investment in securities including Government securities, debentures, fixed deposits, bonds, units and operate the account for making necessary investment; and
- further authorise the mandate holder to pay monies, deposit cheques, notes, drafts, orders and all other documents to the credit of my/our aforesaid account and as and when it is needed to endorse the same for me/us and will also certify the correctness of the balance of my/our account and open letters of credit on my / our behalf, and give, vary and revoke instructions regarding my / our accounts in respect of all transactions and acts which he/she may do.
- I/We hereby ratify and bind myself/ourselves and confirm to all and whatever instructions the mandate holder will give on my/our behalf.
Name of the Mandate holder: _____________
Specimen signature of the Mandate holder: _____________
Above signature verified by Account holder: _____________
I/we am/are authorizing the mandate holder to operate the aforesaid account on my/our behalf as per the rules and regulations prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India or the Government of India or any other body or authority.
I/We understand the implications of this authorization/mandate given to Mr./Ms. (Name of the Mandate holder) to operate my/our aforesaid account and in consideration of having so allowed the same at my/our request, I/we do hereby agree and undertake to indemnify you and your successors and assigns at all times against any and all loss or damage that may be caused to you for allowing Mr./Ms. (Name of the Mandate holder) to operate the aforesaid Account.
This mandate/authorisation shall continue to remain in force until I/we wish to revoke it by delivering to your bank a written notice or letter of revocation in this regard. This mandate if not revoked during my/our lifetime shall be binding upon my/our estate and effects and my/our legal representative until a written proof of my/our death is submitted to your bank.
Kind request to take this mandate in records and do the needful.
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
(Name of Account-holder)
Very helpful. The format covers all the points that I needed in my mandate letter. Thanks
ReplyDeleteBeing a NRI I have experienced enough trouble in operating bank accounts from abroad. Giving power of attorney or mandate letter to bank authorising someone is pretty helpful. But you have to consider all pros and cons in deciding whom to choose as mandate holder. Sometimes faithful people may turn greedy. Careful.
ReplyDeleteThanks. I have used some of the lines in writing my letter to bank.
ReplyDeleteThis would serve my purpose I think. Thanks for the template!
ReplyDeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteIs mandate holder in sole proprietorship can take legal action?
ReplyDeleteTo take legal action and to file a court case on behalf of a person, a registered power of attorney would be required. Please consult an advocate.