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Request Letter to Landlord for Reduction in House Rent

Mostly, because of financial reasons, the tenants request the landlord to reduce the rent of the property. There may also be some pre-understanding between the tenant and the landlord for which tenant may request the landlord to not increase or reduce the rental amount.

letter to landlord asking for rent reductionHereunder, the formats of letters are provider for two circumstances:
1) Letter to landlord requesting decrease in rent from the current rental amount;
2) Letter to landlord requesting not to increase the proposed hike in rental amount.

(Letter to landlord requesting decrease in rent from the current rental amount)

Date: ...............

(Name of the Landlord)
(Full Address)

Sub.: Request for reduction of rent amount

Dear ...........,

I hope you are doing well. I am feeling a little embarrassed in writing this letter to you requesting your kind consideration in reduction of the rent amount. I have been going through a very tough time financially for the last few months. I lost my earlier job as the company was closed down.

Thereafter, in search of a new job I lost a major amount of time, wherein many of my savings were spent. Now I have found a new job but the payment of salary is much less than the earlier one. Hence, the financial burden is much more in meeting the cost of living. I am also keeping an eye on new job opportunities, which will pay better, but I am not sure when I will get a satisfactory well-paid new job.

Therefore, I am requesting you to reduce my rental amount by .... % for the next .... months, which will greatly help me in meeting the expenses. I assure you that after the expiry of the said .... months I will pay an increased rental amount to make good for this reduced amount and further hike thereon as reasonably agreed.

I shall highly appreciate your kind cooperation in this financially tough time of mine.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Tenant)

(Letter to landlord requesting not to increase the proposed hike in rental amount)

Date: ...............

(Name of the Landlord)
(Full Address)

Sub.: Request to not to increase the rent value in near future

Dear ...........,

I am in receipt of your letter dated ............. with regard to an increase of rent amount from the month of ............. I appreciate your situation and I agree that it is only fair on your part to increase the amount, as the same has not been done since last .... months.

However, I would kindly request you to not to increase the rent amount in the coming .... months period. My financial condition is not very sound now. The company, where I am having a job, is facing a market slow down and hence the turnover has not been too good in the past few months, which is resulting in delay in payment of salaries.

Therefore, I am kindly requesting you to postpone the hike in rent for the next four months. After that period, I am committed to pay the agreed increase in the rent. I shall be grateful to you if you would be kind enough to consider my situation and not increase the rent at present.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Tenant)

letter to landlord requesting for reduction in rent


  1. thanks for the formats

  2. Samuel Grimes24 September, 2018

    Thanks very much for the letter template. It came very handy in completing my letter.

  3. Thanks very much for the format


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