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NOC Letter Format from Society for Electricity Meter Transfer

Once the Society board receives a request from a flat owner for issue of a No Objection Certificate (NOC), with regard to the transfer of the electricity connection allotted in the name of the previous flat owner of a flat in that society, the society has to issue the NOC unless any discrepancies found in the matter.

noc letter format from society for electricity meter transfer
The copy of this NOC becomes a requirement while applying to the Electricity board/company for change in name in the electricity connection in favor of the new owner of the flat.

It is the duty of the society to provide such NOC whenever needed by new flat owners, but of course after due verification of all the documents and proofs provided by either the previous owner or new owner or both.

The format of the NOC from the Society could be as given hereunder. Fill in all required information to complete it before taking signature.


Date: ................


This NOC is being issued to confirm that (Name of new owner) is the current owner of a Flat in our society. As per the records of the society, kindly note the following details of his ownership of the said Flat.

(i) Property: Flat No. ....., ................. Society, (Address)
(ii) Previous owner: (Name of last owner), (age), (current address)
(iii) Sale Agreement: Registration No. .............., Dated ................
(iv) New owner: (Name of new owner), (age), (occupation), (date of birth), (father's name), (permanent address)
(v) Electricity Connection No.: .....................

We further convey that we do not have any objection whatsoever in the matter of transfer of the above mentioned electricity connection/meter in the name of (Name of new owner).

This letter is being issued, on the request of (Name of new owner), only for the purpose of electricity connection transfer.


For .................... Co-operative Housing Society Pvt. Ltd.

Authorised Signatory

society noc letter format for change of name in electricity bill


  1. Lakhan Kumar17 July, 2018

    In our society committee, we receive such requests regularly whenever there is a change in ownership of the flats. Being a member of the society board, it is our duty to help the flat owners to complete all formalities to the extent possible by us. NOC should be given after due verification of the change in ownership documents. There should not be any undue delay in issuing the NOC.

  2. Sharon Aldridge23 September, 2018

    Thank you for the template!

  3. My Society transfer has been pending still can I get the noc for electricity transfer?

    1. You can make an application to the society. Discuss with the society committee chairman or secretary to know more details.

  4. Others meter Installed on my wall without my permission .

    What to do please suggest

    1. You can lodge a written complaint by:
      1) Using the Electricity company's website, or
      2) Visiting the Electricity company's office.

  5. if purchaser of flat are 2 and one like to withdraw name in electricity bill so what is a procedure

  6. if purchaser of flat are 2 and one like to withdraw name in electricity bill so what is a procedure


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