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Letter to Bank presenting Guarantor for Overdraft OD Facility

In case you are not able to provide sufficient mortgage or security against the amount of Overdraft facility requested by you, then the bank may ask for a Guarantor for the sanctioned amount.

Letter to Bank Presenting a Guarantor for Overdraft (OD) FacilityIf you are able to secure a guarantor for this purpose, then you will have to communicate the same to the bank.

The following cover letter format for this purpose may be useful for you.


Date: ________

(Name of the Account-holder)
(Full Address)
Mob. ________

The Branch Manager
________ Bank
________ Branch

Sub.: Guarantor for the Overdraft (OD) facility.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am maintaining a current account bearing number ________ in your bank for business purposes for my establishment i.e. (Name of the Business Establishment).

With reference to my letter dated ________, requesting for an overdraft facility for Rs. ________, I thank you for the in-principle approval for the same (ref: your letter dated ________). As a pre-condition, I understand that I have to provide a letter of guarantee from an existing customer of your bank for a sum to the extent of at least Rs. ________.

I am enclosing herewith a letter of guarantee to the tune of Rs. ________ duly signed and stamped by Mr./Ms. ________, who is holding a current account bearing number ________ in your bank at ________ branch. He/She has informed me that his/her account carries sufficient balance at all times to meet this much amount. Hence, I believe his/her credit worthiness for this purpose should be sufficiently verifiable.

trust this should serve the purpose and I, therefore, request your goodself to kindly sanction an overdraft facility to the tune of Rs. ________ as requested in my earlier communication.

Kindly do the needful and oblige.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,

(Name of the Account-holder)

Encl.: A/a

Letter to Bank presenting Guarantor for Overdraft OD Facility


  1. Rajendra Gokhale17 June, 2018

    I could not find a proper format of this letter in any other website. I tried looking for in several places. I think this is properly drafted. I am going to use this to write to my bank. Thank you, sir / madam.

  2. Renuka Balla08 August, 2018

    Thanks a lot for the format of the letter. It was hard to write for me. But now I have learnt it.

  3. Laxman Ghosh20 September, 2018

    Well, this was quite helpful. Thanks a ton!

  4. Thank you. Very useful.


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