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NOC Letter from House Owner (Landlord) for Passport

The Passport authority may seek a copy of No Objection Certificate (NOC) duly signed by the proprietor of the house where the tenant resides. The tenant is the applicant for issue of new or reissue of his passport.

noc format from landlord to tenant for passport
Generally, the NOC is required in case of absence of a rent agreement between the parties. When the rent agreement is an old one, then in order to prove that the tenant is currently staying at the given address - latest dated NOC is sought for.

Sometimes, the passport office may want the noc letter in the form of an affidavit from the landlord. Do check with the passport office if only a signed letter is fine or an affidavit on stamp paper is the requirement. This is to avoid any repetition of work; not all landlord are so cordial.

The following format can be used in the absence of any prescribed format by the Passport authority. Please check with the passport office to enquire if there is any prescribed format or not.



I, (Name of the Landlord), am the owner of the premises at the following address: ____(write complete postal address - same as mentioned in passport application)____ (hereinafter referred to as 'said premises'). The said premises is given on rent to (Name of the Tenant/ Passport Applicant), Date of birth: __________, son/daughter of (Name of the Father). The said premises has been given on rent to him/her since (Date) and he/she is currently staying there to the best of my knowledge.

understand that he/she is applying for fresh/renewal of his/her passport with the address of the said premises. I hereby convey my no objection to the same.


Name: (Full Name of the Landlord)
Address: (Complete postal address of the landlord with PIN code)

Date: (Mention the Date of Signing the NOC)
Place: (Name of the City/Locality)

noc letter from house owner to tenant for passport


  1. Vaishnavi Ahuja17 June, 2018

    Very resourceful. I had sent this format to my landlord. He was ok with the format and provided me the NOC. Thanks for the help.

    1. Who verified this for you . Only landlord signed or someone other person also singed

    2. Only landlord signed. Since it's a no objection letter from his side, only he will sign. If there are two landlords as per rent agreement then preferably both should sign.

  2. Souman Paul08 August, 2018

    The format seems alright. Thanks for the noc.

  3. Kulbhushan Nayak20 September, 2018

    Thanks a lot for the sample of the letter I needed urgently.

  4. Do we require notary or registrar for this NOC or just letter on paper wid landlord signature will do? Can anyone Pls confirm

    1. No, it is not required to get it notarized. Printing it on plain paper and getting landlord's signature should be sufficient. Some passport office accept it like this. And some others ask for NOC in the form of an affidavit, which needs to be printed in a non-judicial stamp paper. But notarising it is not necessary.

  5. I want to apply for Food License with FSSAI, my mother is the owner of the premises, as a proof of Premises they have asked for NOC from my mother. Could you please provide with the relevant format?

  6. The name of the landlord and address and date will be written in text word or hand written

    1. Text word should be fine.


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