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Warning Letter to Employee for Not Achieving Sales Target

Sometimes, the employees act irresponsibly either inside the premises of the organization or outside while on duty. This affects the overall performance and goodwill of the organization. In order to control these situations and discourage the employee from any such incident in the future, warning letters are issued to the employees as and when such incidents occur.

sample warning letter for not achieving sales target
A warning letter should be drafted in a way to make the employee aware of the rules and regulations of the organization for the employees once again with a warning that the employee should not do such acts otherwise the consequences would be detrimental to the interests of the employee.

While the tone of the letter should be strong enough, at the same time it should not be too harsh that the employee gets too disturbed receiving it, which may affect his performance in the coming period.


Ref: _________
Date: ________

(Name of the Employee)
________ Department
Employee Code: ______

Sub.: Non-achievement of sales target.

Dear Mr./Ms. ________,

This is with regard to your performance on duty for the last few months. We regret to note that it has not been up to the mark. You would appreciate that your monthly sales target was fixed at (Amount) only after a thorough discussion with you and considering the current market scope.

However, you have indeed failed to achieve the given targets. Please appreciate that we are only expressing our dissatisfaction because your sales target fulfilment has been running below __% for the last __ months. We hope that in the coming months you will endeavor to strive hard to achieve the desired sales performance.

Please note that if you continue to perform poorly, the company will be forced to take necessary disciplinary action, which may ultimately result in the termination of employment.

Kindly take this letter in the right spirit. Best of luck!


(Name of the Officer)


Repeated warnings
Some employees may take lightly the first warning letter from the company and subsequently repeat similar mistakes resulting in violation of the company policy. In such cases, a final warning letter can be issued with clear instructions that if the employee repeats the same mistake again it will result in termination of employment with the company.

Companies can prescribe some level of penalization for employees who continue to show their irresponsible behavior on several occasions. However, the first mistake can be excused with a warning. Second and subsequent mistakes can be strictly penalized with salary reduction for working days or suspension from job without pay.

Letter on the record
It is always better to write a letter or an email to the employee for such mistakes. It is because, in the future, if he continues to make the same mistakes then the earlier letter/email can be produced for reference and strict disciplinary actions can be taken against the irresponsible employee.

Morale Boost
Most importantly, it would be highly advisable to have one or more personal meetings with the employee and try to understand their issues/reasons for such irresponsible incidents. Additionally, try to boost their morale by encouraging them on various fronts. Companies may engage specialized professionals to deal with all such cases of employees.

Warning Letter to Employee for Not Achieving Sales Target


  1. Janmejay Upadhyay17 June, 2018

    Hey, thanks a lot!
    I liked the way you have covered the format of warnings for different reasons.
    This will come handy in future when such instances occur. Right now I just needed one of them. :)

  2. Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi11 August, 2018

    I needed the letter format for giving warning to an employee for absenteeism. Your format was helpful in drafting the letter. Thanks!

  3. Matthew McKean22 September, 2018

    You have essentially covered all the major reasons for which warnings are generally given to the employees. Though of course there are many other reasons for which employees are blamed and given warnings to abstain from them or improve as per expectation.


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