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Covering Letter For Cheque Payment Enclosed (Sample)

When you are sending across a cheque to a party either towards outstanding payment or as an advance payment for some purpose, then instead of just sending across the cheque - you can also enclose a covering letter along with it.

cover letter for cheque payment sample
Such a covering letter will have some of the important details of the payment viz. cheque details, reference to the transaction/purpose for which payment is being made, name of officer who is sending the cheque, person and business name to whom it is addressed to for receipt of the cheque, etc.

While one original copy of the letter will be sent to the concerned party, another copy (either original or photocopy) of the letter will be stored in your records.

All these details in the letter will be helpful in the future for tracking the date, cheque number, amount, transaction, delivery date of the courier/post through which the cheque and the letter were sent. It makes your job a whole lot easier in tracking whether payment was made or not. Hence, it helps in avoiding any kind of dispute.

Here is a format of such a covering letter. Please add all the necessary details and finalize the letter.


Ref: __________
Date: __________

(Name of the Officer)
(Department's Name)
(Name of the Company)
(Office Address)

Sub.: Payment towards outstanding dues.

Dear Mr./Ms. _________,

We are enclosing herewith a _______ Bank cheque bearing no. _______ dated _______ of Rs. _______ (Rupees ______________ only) towards the outstanding payment due to your company.

The said payment is being made towards the payment due for the goods/services received with reference to your bill/invoice no. _______ dated _______.

Kindly acknowledge the receipt.

Thanking you,
Yours faithfully,
For __________ Limited,

(Name of the Officer)

Encl.: A/a

covering letter for cheque payment enclosed


  1. Manohar Lal Yadav18 June, 2018

    thanks a lot for the ready-made format! very helpful in urgent situation.

  2. Amol Pandya29 July, 2018

    Useful format. Thank you for proving it. I used it.

  3. राजन तिवारी20 August, 2018

    very helpful to me in writing the letter. dhanyabad.

  4. Yes, cover letters are essential business etiquette. One mustn't ignore it. Thanks for the template!

  5. Thanks. I used it in office today for writing to a supplier.


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